
Tips for Staying Informed of New Opportunities for Career Advancement

Written by nTech Workforce | May 24, 2019 11:29:53 AM

Career-minded individuals always have an eye out for the next big opportunity or exciting project to give a boost to their professional journey. Keeping an eye on the future is important for your professional growth; it’s also smart to stay informed of new opportunities even if you aren’t actively looking. Nobody likes searching for a job when they need one. Plus, how else are you going to learn about the opportunities you might be missing out on?

So, where do professionals like you turn when they want to stay informed and up to date on opportunities in their industry? There are several avenues you can follow. Here are three of the most effective.


Networking is one of the most effective ways of furthering your career and learning of great new opportunities. As many as 60% of professionals say that networking played a part in their ability to find and land a new career opportunity.

Still, some shy away from networking because of the intimidation factor. If you don’t already have a sizable professional network built up, how do you go about creating one – what if you’re an introvert who’s challenged by initiating new relationships?

Networking doesn’t have to be difficult, and much of it can be done behind the mask of social media (which we’ll get to in a minute). Start by talking to family, friends, and casual associates about your goals. You’ll be surprised at the network that already exists in your inner circle.

Industry-related events and job fairs are also good stepping stones to networking. Bring your business cards and talk to people, even if they can’t directly place you in the job you want. Make a positive impression and word will travel fast.

Building Your Online Presence

Thanks to social media, networking by building an online presence is easier than ever. The first step is to create professional profiles on social networks. This is crucial unless your social media profiles are already squeaky clean and your profile picture is of professional quality.

Next, join industry-specific groups and start interacting. LinkedIn and Facebook are two of the most effective social platforms for this strategy.

Finally, don’t undervalue the importance of industry community forums and job message boards. Staying active in these types of communities will keep you in the know about up-and-coming opportunities.

Working With IT Recruiters

Another strategy is to trust your future in the hands of a professional IT recruiter. IT recruiters and staffing agencies have first-line knowledge of new opportunities and upcoming projects in the industry. They’re also focused on aligning your talent and capabilities with an opportunity you’re going to excel in.

Don’t Wait…

Until you’re burned out in your current position to take the next step. Reach out to an IT staffing agency like nTech to learn more about the opportunities that are waiting for you. Contact nTech Workforce today to learn more.