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When it comes to boosting productivity at work, most advice focuses on what you can do. You’ll see tips for organizing your workstation, enhancing time management, and bolstering skills, all designed to help you increase efficiency and competency.

However, taking some time to focus on those around you can also yield similar results. Additionally, it can improve your relationships with your coworkers, increasing the odds they’ll be there for you when the need arises.

Whether you are a short-term contingent worker or a full-time, permanent staff member, here are five ways to be a better coworker today.

1. Have Face-to-Face Conversations

In a world where texting and collaboration software are dominant forms of communication, many professionals are spending less time speaking with their coworkers in person. While using technology is often easier, it often feels impersonal, even if you are writing to them directly.

By setting aside time to have conversations face-to-face, you build connections with your team quickly. You can interact in real time and have more meaningful interactions, which can both improve relationships and potentially enhance productivity when an issue needs to be resolved quickly.

2. Take Interest in What’s Important to Them

Nearly everyone craves encouragement and support, but not everyone makes the effort to give it. If you want to be a better coworker, take an interest in the activities of those around you. Ask them what they are working on and have them discuss their successes and challenges. If you find out they are struggling in an area where you can offer support, don’t wait for them to ask for help or guidance. Instead, offer it automatically if the opportunity arises, allowing them to get what they need without having to request it directly.

3. Don’t Stand by When Failure is Imminent

During a group project, it can be tempting to center your focus on your tasks, rather than supporting other members of your team whom you can help. Often, this allows blame to be assigned to another, which can make it feel like you are protecting yourself.

Group projects can only be a success if everyone pulls together. If you notice a coworker is struggling, don’t sit idly by and watch. Instead, see what you can do to help. Not only will this improve your relationship with your teammate, but it can also increase the odds the project will succeed, creating an ideal scenario.

4. Give Credit Where It is Due

If you are receiving praise for your work and a coworker played an integral role in that success, make sure you share that detail. This allows you to craft work relationships based on appreciation and respect, something that can serve you well in the future.

This doesn’t mean you need to downplay your role, only that you need to highlight theirs as well. Sharing credit typically won’t harm your standing and may even enhance your reputation.

5. Share What You Learn

When you have a chance to learn and grow, and you share that knowledge with someone else, you increase the effectiveness of the team. The more everyone knows about the project or a critical skill, the better everyone can perform.

Helping Those Around You Helps Your Business

In a team environment, it isn’t all about you. It’s about combined strength and success, and by sharing tips and information that can help someone else thrive, you increase productivity across the board.

If you are looking for more information regarding how you can excel in the workplace, the professionals at nTech can help. Contact us to speak to a member of our knowledgeable team today and see how our expertise can benefit you.

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